$! $! Kraut scaling of derivative data. Needed for vector refinement (VECREF) $! $ass/user ccp4_master:[ccp4.examples.toxd]toxd.mtz hklin $ass/user CCP4_SCR:toxd_fhsc.mtz hklout $fhscal TITLE scale Au derivative by Kraut method ! SHELLS 20 ! default BIAS 1 ! iff we trust the standard deviations LABIN FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 FPH=FAU20 SIGFPH=SIGFAU20 END $! $! to analyse the derivative run scaleit with the analyse option $! $scaleit HKLIN CCP4_SCR:toxd_fhsc.mtz TITLE analyse scaling done by fhscal reso 20 2.3 analyse labin FP=FTOXD3 SIGFP=SIGFTOXD3 FPH1=FAU20 SIGFPH1=SIGFAU20 end